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Student Sponsorship Program
When Lycée Schorge opened its doors in 2015 the school accounted for 142 students. In the meantime 220 girls and boys between the age of 10 and 20 study hard to obtain their BAC. About half of the student body relies on a scholarship to cover at least half of their school fees. This is made possible by the Stern Stewart Foundation and thanks to generous donations by dedicated sponsors and friends. People who believe in our idea in making a difference by providing excellent education in one of the poorest countries in the world.
With only €300 per year one can change the life and destination of a young person in Burkina Faso to the better. Education is essential for making a difference. At Lycée Schorge teachers strive to provide the best education to raise young, open-minded and hardworking individuals who can support their families, provide jobs for others and ideally ameliorate the destination of the country.
Lycée Schorge already ranks among the best schools in Burkina Faso and we keep doing the utmost – here in Germany and in Koudougou, Burkina Faso – to improve every day: applying new methods in teaching, utilizing new media, providing formation to our teachers – just to name a few.
We cannot thank our sponsors and friends enough for helping us ‘Making a difference’. Every cent provided by you is fully used for the benefit of the school. If you know anybody interested in our program please let us know. We will gladly provide him with all necessary information. All sponsors receive a monthly newsletter informing about the day to day life as well as small and big success stories at Lycée Schorge.
Thank you!
Everybody can help
Sponsorship programme – Half of our student body relies on scholarships. With as little as € 300 you can make it possible for a student to attend Lycée Schorge for a full school year. As a small ‘Thank you’ for your help, we will send you our monthly newsletter keeping you up to date about all the little and big things happening at the Lycée.
Donations – An easy but very effective way to help: a payment directly to the School’s account. Your entire contribution will be allocated directly to the Lycée so that every cent of yours supports the school and its students. The Stern Stewart Foundation covers all administration costs.
Celebrating for a good cause – Planning a bigger party or event? Instead of presents why don’t you ask your family and friends to support Lycée Schorge? That will certainly make you and your guests happy.
Students support other students – Most universities and many employers love social work in CVs. Sometimes it is even mandatory. If you like to spend some time at the Lycée and work there please contact us for more information.
Company events – Doing something good may help bonding. From sweepstakes to running a marathon – so many company events can be linked to Lycée Schorge. Please contact us for further ideas.
The Stern Stewart Institute e.V.
Donner & Reuschel
IBAN: DE68 2003 0300 0136 0103 05